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George Kopanas

Research Scientist


I am currently a Research Scientist at Google with a strong focus on 3D reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis. Currently I work towards advancing real-time, photorealistic 3D scene representations, particularly around Gaussian Splatting and Neural Radiance Fields. I graduated with a PhD from Inria Sophia Antipolis supervised by George Drettakis. My PhD research was focused on point-based representations. I have contributed to the research community through publications in conferences and journals and I was honored to get awarded in SIGGRAPH 2023 with the best paper award for "3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering".


A hierarchical 3d gaussian representation for real-time rendering of very large datasets B Kerbl, A Meuleman, G Kopanas, M Wimmer, A Lanvin, G Drettakis SIGGRAPH 2024 - ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 43 (4), 1-15
N-dimensional gaussians for fitting of high dimensional functions S Diolatzis, T Zirr, A Kuznetsov, G Kopanas, A Kaplanyan ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers, 1-11
Reducing the Memory Footprint of 3D Gaussian Splatting P Papantonakis, G Kopanas, B Kerbl, A Lanvin, G Drettakis Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
Dynamic 3d gaussians: Tracking by persistent dynamic view synthesis J Luiten, G Kopanas, B Leibe, D Ramanan 2024 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2024
Dynamic 3d gaussians: Tracking by persistent dynamic view synthesis J Luiten, G Kopanas, B Leibe, D Ramanan 2024 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2024
Improving NeRF Quality by Progressive Camera Placement for Free-Viewpoint Navigation G Kopanas, G Drettakis Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) 2023
3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering G Kopanas, B Kerbl, T Leimkühler, G Drettakis SIGGRAPH 2023 - ACM Transactions on Graphics 42 (4)
Nerfshop: Interactive editing of neural radiance fields C Jambon, B Kerbl, G Kopanas, S Diolatzis, T Leimkühler, G Drettakis Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 6 (1)
Neural point catacaustics for novel-view synthesis of reflections G Kopanas, T Leimkühler, G Rainer, C Jambon, G Drettakis SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 - ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 41 (6), 1-15
Point‐Based Neural Rendering with Per‐View Optimization G Kopanas, J Philip, T Leimkühler, G Drettakis EGSR 2021 - Computer Graphics Forum 40 (4), 29-43
Unsupervised underwater fish detection fusing flow and objectiveness D Zhang, G Kopanas, C Desai, S Chai, M Piacentino WACV 2016 - IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, 1-7


08/08/2024 - Served as reviewer for SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, CVPR, ECCV and EGSR during 2024
18/06/2024 - Invited talk at XRNeRF Workshop in CVPR
17/06/2024 - Invited talk at EDGE Workshop in CVPR
12/05/2024 - Served as Programme Committee for EGSR
15/04/2024 - Released a 3DGS jupyter exercise for university classes and courses
12/04/2024 - Guest Lecture in SFU invited by Andrea Tagliasacchi
15/03/2024 - Guest Lecture in KAIST invited by Minhyuk Sung
03/08/2023 - SIGGRAPH Best Paper Award for 3D Gaussian Splatting
